The Maximum File Upload Size Is 256 Kilobytes.
You Are Allowed To Upload 1 Item Every 90 Seconds.

Verify the status of your uploaded file here.

Name your images and documents something unique so other people don't overwrite them. This is NOT a secure domain and we can't stop prying eyes from looking in the upload database, do not put any sensitive information in there.

When you upload a Voice-Clip, you enter it in your email by putting in this tag on line 1: {name-of-your-audio-file} then skip 2 lines and begin your ad.

Sometimes after you upload your file you may need to refresh the screen to go to the next screen for upload verification.

To place your logo in your ad enter your image tag as shown below, then hit "Enter" on your keyboard twice before begining your ad, this will give you space between the logo and the ad and take it from a center align to a justify align. This paragraph uses justified text alignment to produce clean and easy to read lines. Books are written with justified text for the same reason.

If you upload a file named BobJonesLogo.jpg
Then your tag will be: {BobJonesLogo.jpg}

If your upload ends in .doc, .txt, .pdf then it will be attached to your email.

Your uploaded file(s) will be embedded into the email, then sent, then erased from our server.